Kids & K9s

A Program that is good for the hearts! Fun, Functional, Fitness for Fido and friends.

The Kids and K9 program was originally developed as an after school programs to get kids outside playing with dogs for fun and fitness.
Programs will start again in the spring. Stay tuned for new schedules and locations that will be stated on our up and coming newsletter.

Kids & K9s

A Program that is good for the hearts!

Fun, Functional, Fitness for fido and friends.

The Kids and k9 program was originally developed as an after school programs to get kids outside playing with dogs for fun and fitness.

Programs will start again in the spring. Stay tuned for new schedules and locations that will be stated on our up and coming newsletter.

Do’s and Don’ts When Approached By a Strange Dog

The following was written for the Elementary School System in Massachusetts, for their “Whistle Program” on child safety

Mutt Masters Dog Training Colorado Springs


  • Do blow a whistle or rattle keys if dog continues to approach or starts to growl.

  • Do contact the authorities about the incident.

  • Do stand sideways to the dog as you move away. A front stance is more threatening as we are perceived as smaller from the side.

  • Do move slowly-remember dogs are pronounced in “prey” and their instinct is to chase motion.

  • Do speak in a calm but happy, soft tone as you retreat confidently.

  • Do retreat confidently- but be ready to defend yourself with whatever’s available along with a loud, firm “NO!”

  • Do act calm-Nervousness and motion will push the dog into a more aggressive state

  • Do get off your bicycle/skateboard – Your increased speed increases the dogs chase instinct


  • Don’t approach a strange, stray or injured dog- All Dogs Can Bite!

  • Don’t offer food.

  • Don’t run

  • Don’t yell, scream or shout

  • Don’t tease or throw anything

  • Don’t stare at dog-avoid direct eye contact.

  • Don’t bend over, or otherwise crowd the crowd

child petting puppy on the nose - kids & k9s - mutt masters dog training colorado springs
Kid with Dog

If You are Bitten

  • Put Direct pressure on wound with article of clothing or hand.
  • Elevate wound above head, if possible to reduce loss of blood.
  • Stay calm and don’t run so that blood flow is not increased.
  • Notice place of incident and which direction the dog heads.
  • Get a good description of the dog.
  • Contact parents, other adults, policemen or doctor immediately!